until our 50th anniversary

About Us

We are the official charity of NHS Tayside.

From the everyday to the innovative, we support NHS Tayside to empower the communities it serves: patients, families, donors, carers and staff. Together, we help make people’s lives better and longer. We are dedicated to supporting NHS Tayside patients and staff, and improving health and wellbeing for the people of Tayside.

NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation holds endowment property and funds for purposes relating to health services or research.  The activities and projects are funded by donations and legacies received from patients, their relatives, the general public and other organisations.

Our Vision

The vision of the charity is to help people in Tayside live better for longer. This will be done through a new funding programme distributing funds to NHS Tayside services and the third sector, fundraising to increase the impact of the charity and wraparound support offering partnership opportunities, advice and collaboration.

Our Strategy

Our strategy will be supported by an increased online and physical presence across the region and ongoing engagement with our stakeholders – including local people, partners and donors – as we strive to empower our communities to achieve the better health outcomes they deserve...

Access our full Strategy Document below:

Governance Plan

The Trustees are responsible for the general control and management of the charity. The Trustees perform general duties as described in Section 66 of the Charities Act and satisfy any other obligations in law required of a Trustee. The Trustees are personally accountable...

Access our full Governance Plan below:

Shelley McCarthy

“New to NHS Tayside, I came into post as the new Charity Chief Officer in 2023, following a career shaping innovative and dynamic processes supporting social enterprise, employability and external funding.  Supporting the community through this health-related work is a genuine privilege and massively rewarding.  With so many opportunities ahead, I look forward to developing and maximising the foundation’s impact in the months ahead.”

Gillian Moran

“I’m lucky to have worked for NHS Tayside for around 20 years in various roles and across a range of departments and services. The best aspect is the variety; no two days are the same, which I love.  I get huge job satisfaction meeting our supporters, hearing what’s motivated them to fundraise or donate and then linking them with the staff and ward area to benefit. I greatly enjoy working with our lovely team of volunteers, and we couldn’t do what we do without them.”

Alison Inglis

“I’ve dedicated my career to NHS Tayside and now have a dual role, combining my P.A role with my position as Committee Support Officer for the Fund’s Investment Committee, Board of Trustees and Charitable Funds Committee. Essentially, this is where all the exciting and important decisions are made. I enjoy seeing funding applications progress from an initial idea to a worthwhile and often life-changing project.”

Vicky Davidson

“I feel truly privileged to be working in this role. It is a pleasure to be a part of a charity that creates so many opportunities and aims to improve so many people’s lives. I often feel humbled to be part of so many journeys and hearing stories that can often be incredibly personal and tough to share. 

I am lucky to work with our team of incredible volunteers who help to make the difference every day. I look forward to supporting the charity to go even further.”

Richard McIntosh

“Before joining the charity, I spent 15 years working as a Senior Public Health Specialist with NHS Tayside. I’ve also worked in local policy roles (Health Equity Strategy ) and a national role with the Scottish Government on its Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health and Blood Borne Strategy, resulting in two awards.  I’m passionate about tackling inequality through partnerships and harnessing the power of communities to make a difference to the health, care and wellbeing of the Tayside population.”

Wendy Aitchison

“Having enjoyed various roles with NHS Tayside over the last two decades, I love the variety which my role with NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation offers.  Handling all aspects of accountancy and finance,  I particularly enjoy seeing funding applications from the initial stage through to completion. In the 14 years I’ve worked with the charity, I’ve felt so fortunate seeing first-hand the difference that donations (big or small) can make to people’s lives.”

Carolyn Berry

“I am really happy to be working in such a diverse team alongside my colleagues and the wonderful volunteers at such a transformative period for the charity.  I feel extremely privileged and inspired to be working somewhere that I can make a difference to peoples’ lives in Tayside.”