Get Out Get Active (GOGA) Tayside

GOGA provides fun, free, and inclusive activities, open to all ages and abilities, with a focus on the most inactive populations, particularly those with disabilities and/or chronic ill health.

Ninewells Community Garden

Nestled within the enchanting arboretum of Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, Ninewells Community Garden promotes physical activity and healthy lifestyles through community gardening.

In this serene environment, horticulture is actively enhancing wellbeing, providing therapeutic benefits and supporting rehabilitation efforts.

Elder Voice

Elder Voice is a local charity helping older people maintain independence.

Tackling loneliness, isolation and malnutrition, the Blairgowrie-based charity offers a voluntary transport service for those who, due to their age, ill health, disability or lack of transport, might otherwise struggle to attend NHS medical appointments.

Connecting older people with volunteers, the charity also offers a befriending service and lunch club aimed at breaking down barriers and inequalities around older people, supporting independence, improving mental health and wellbeing, and fostering social connections.

Ward 30 Information App

Admission to hospital for anaesthesia and surgery is an anxious time for children, young people,  parents and carers.

A large amount of information in various forms is shared, from the details of the operation, length of stay and recovery to what to bring to the hospital.

While verbal information and leaflets have an important role to play, it was felt that an app to collate information in one place would be hugely beneficial, particularly given the widespread and growing use of smartphones.

Featuring family-friendly images, videos, infographics and links to other online resources, the app content was collated and approved by a range of staff, including nurses, play specialists, anaesthetists and surgeons.  As well as being easily updated, the app allows users to share their feedback.

Our Inclusive Community

Capability Scotland’s ‘Our Inclusive Community Project’ (‘OICP’) aims to relocate the homes of 60 disabled adults from an existing residential care site at Upper Springland in Perth.

Through OICP, Capability Scotland will create a welcoming and thriving new community at the city’s Bertha Park, where the people they support can live as independently as possible, realise their potential and live fulfilling and healthy lives.

Tayside Council on Alcohol: Safe Zone

TCA works alongside people, families and communities to mitigate the impact of substance use, gambling, offending and other risky or harmful behaviours. Underpinning this is a drive to challenge stigma, inequality, discrimination and marginalisation coupled with a belief that recovery is possible for everyone.

Initiated in 2015, the Safe Zone project supported emergency services with the effects of certain behaviours linked to Dundee’s night-time economy.

Assisting those adversely affected by alcohol and other substances, Safe Zone originally operated on Friday and Saturday nights within a city centre location. At that time, a minibus supported a larger bus, which remained static throughout the shift. The project was linked via radio to various pubs and clubs around the city centre, allowing clients to be transported by minibus to the main bus for additional help. Regular ‘sweeps’ of the city centre also enabled communication with Tayside Police if ‘hot spots’ were identified. The main aim was to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those enjoying the night-time economy and to offer a safe space for vulnerable individuals during the evening and nighttime.